Positions, education, teaching, funding.

LECTURER                                                                                                                                                               Aug 2024 – present

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology

MARIE CURIE FELLOW                                                                                                                                       Feb 2022 – Aug 2024

Copenhagen Business School, Department of Organization & Utrecht University, Academic Guest

Marie Skłodowska Curie Individual Fellowship


WENNER-GREN HUNT POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW                                                                                                  Jan – Dec 2021

University of Oxford, Oxford School of Global & Area Studies, St Antony’s College &

Utrecht University, Visiting Researcher

Wenner-Gren Foundation


POLITICAL ECONOMY FELLOW                                                                                                                                  Jan – Dec 2020

University of Oxford, Oxford School of Global & Area Studies, St Antony’s College

Independent Social Research Foundation


POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHER                                                                                                                     Sept 2017 – Sept 2019

Leiden University, The Netherlands       

European Research Council Project: Food citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities


ECONOMICS RESEARCHER (MA-LEVEL), BELGIUM                                                                                     Aug 2006 – Aug 2007 

Catholic University, Leuven

LICOS Centre for Institutions & Economic Performance

Research Group on Central European Agricultural Development & Food Policy

Bulgarian rose oil research project.


2017     DPhil in Anthropology, University of Oxford, New College, Clarendon Scholar

            Thesis: Honesty, trust, and debt in Istrian winemaking.

2011     MSc in Social Anthropology, University of Oxford, Wolfson College

2005     MA in Politics, Security, and European Integration, University College London

             School of Slavonic & East European Studies

2003     BA in Politics, University of California, Santa Cruz

2000     AA in social sciences, Santa Rosa Junior College


VU 2024: lectures and working groups for the History and Theory of Anthropology (BA) and Fieldwork Research Design (MSc).

Wageningen Univ. 2024: MA guest lectures on the sociology of food, food citizenship, and terroir/GI.

CBS 2023-24 supervisions: MSc thesis supervisions (6, various business studies: AI and art, museum management and interactive design, ethical fashion start-up, feminist porn ethics and OnlyFans, Danish ethical porn print media). Supervision of group MBA students’ research projects in Creative Business Project & Methods for Creative Industry Analysis.

CBS 2023 teaching: MA Ethnographic research methods seminars for business studies. BSc Organizational Behavior in the creative sector seminars.

Leiden Univ. 2018: PhD seminars Food citizenship, anthropology, seminars.

Univ. of Oxford 2015-16: BA/MA The anthropology of Europe tutorials.

Pedagogical programs: Completed the Graduate Tutors Forum at Oxford’s anthropology department and participated in the Social Science Skills Training Development Learning and Teaching seminars. Participated in the Danish higher education teaching qualification program, CBS (2022-24).

Grant awards

2022 – 2024           Marie Curie Foundation

                               Tax evasion for market control: Predatory economies in practice

2021                        Wenner-Gren Foundation

                                Hunt Fellowship

                                Monograph-writing funding

2019 – 20                Independent Social Research Foundation

                                Research funding.

2011 – 14 &             Oxford University Press

2015 – 16                Clarendon Fund Scholarship and New College, Oxford Graduate Scholarship

                                University and college tuition waivers and living stipend for four years.

2012 – 13                American Council of Learned Societies

                                Fieldwork Dissertation Research Fellowship in East European Studies

2010                        American Council of Learned Societies

                                East European Language Training Grant

                                Stipend plus tuition waiver for attendance at the University of Indiana, Bloomington,

                                summer language program SWEESL for Croatian.